Helpful Hacks to Prevent and Control Moth Infestations in Your Pantry

Silent, swift, and immensely vexing, it is no wonder many households despise moths. From chewing holes into clothes and furniture to laying unsightly eggs all over the home, moths can deal major damage to your house. They most especially create havoc in moist, food-filled, and dark areas like your pantry. For instance, Indian Meal Moth prefers infesting grains and flours.

Moreover, other types of moths seek out not only food but animal-based fabrics as well. Moths are one of the more difficult pests to eliminate when an infestation occurs. This is due to the larva’s ability to survive for months without food combined with their short reproduction cycles. If you are struggling to deal with these unassuming critters, here are the top moth control tips and solutions to help you.

Prevention Hacks

The best way to fight an infestation is to first take preventive measure.

1. Proper food storage

To detract moths from your pantry, proper food storage must be observed. As much as possible, keep all food items stored in sealed, air-tight containers. Not only will this keep out moths, but it will also prevent food items from going stale. Win-win!

2. Clean regularly

A vital aspect to keeping a pest-free pantry is constant cleaning. At least once a week, vacuum your pantry floor and shelves. You may also wipe them down. Doing so eliminates crumbs that can attract moths.

3. Bug spray and moth traps

Once in a while, it is good to empty the pantry and spurt a good amount of bug spray. You may also place DIY moth traps in your pantry that you can dispose of later should any moths or other insects fall prey. Mothballs are also great for preventing moth infestations. Place a few in an open jar and place them inside your cabinet.


Fight and Control Tips

If you do spot an infestation, here’s what you can do to get rid of it:

1. Clear out and inspect your pantry

The first step to getting an infestation controlled is to clear out your pantry. Empty all your shelves, cabinets, and racks that contain dried food. From there, take a good look at the emptied cupboards to check if there are moths, larva, or pupa.

2. Clean and vacuum shelves

After inspection, vacuum your shelves and cabinets. Next, wipe them down with a cleaning solution. Make sure to get all the crevices and nooks and crannies. Eliminate food crumbs, bugs, and larva. You may then use bug spray or anti-moth chalk. Another options is placing a few anti-moth-balls around your cabinets.

3. Examine food

Once you’ve finished cleaning your shelving, examine the food. Thoroughly check for bugs and larvae in your food packages. Any infested items should be disposed of outside the home.

4. Seal off entry points

Before returning food items to the pantry, do one last inspection for cracks and holes. Seal off any points of entry as moths can return once more.

Final Word

The best way to fight pest infestation is always through prevention. However, if you find yourself in a sticky situation, call for help. Though fighting off a moth infestation is not as hard as it looks, extreme cases need professional exterminators as this infestation not only is a nuisance but is also a health risk.

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